Advanced Tools in Website Hosting
Our advanced tools are available with each website hosting package that we offer you as all accounts are managed via the user-friendly Hepsia CP that the tools are a part of. Even in the event that you have no experience or coding skills, you'll be able to take full advantage of many different features. Hepsia will give you access to an Outgoing Connections manager to control what remote servers your Internet sites connect to, an IP Blocking tool to deny access to particular IPs or whole networks to your Internet sites, a Hotlink Protection instrument to prevent others from embedding your images on their own websites, an .htaccess generator to generate a system file for a variety of purposes, etc. You can also manage the php.ini file for your account through the one-click PHP Configuration manager. All these tools are very easy to use and you will be able to do anything you would like through them with just a couple of mouse clicks via a very intuitive interface.