If you have never had a web hosting account or you’ve switched companies and the new one employs an account administration console that you haven’t seen so far, you may become bewildered about how to complete a specific operation in your account or on your desktop PC. This is why, many providers have set up a knowledge base, which lists the most common questions and difficulties pertaining to their platform, instead of including only some generic details. This kind of knowledge base will permit you to find the desired information swiftly and effortlessly, so you won’t need to spend a lot of time and energy on matters that might require something as simple as clicking a button or checking a tick box. Thus, not only can you get stuff done, but you can also get to know tons of new and beneficial things, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the hosting service functions in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Website Hosting

If you’ve bought your very first website hosting account through our company or have moved your site over to us, you will get familiar with our platform and our custom-created Hepsia Control Panel very quickly due to the fact that we have compiled a thorough web-based knowledge base where you can find all the info that you may ever need – both general info with regard to the web hosting service as a whole and more specific info about the different functions that you can use and the difficulties that you could encounter. The articles are available in two places. The full article collection is accessible via the Help section of the Control Panel. You can find relevant articles about the different features in every section of the Control Panel as well. You can discover how to do just about everything, from enabling an .htaccess file to administering an electronic mailing list, and all the articles include exhaustive guidelines, so you will never become disoriented due to an unclear text. Surely, in case you chance upon a more specific problem and you can’t find anything about it in our knowledge base, you can touch base with our customer service staff members 24x7.